we're going green!

What does it mean to go green? Going Green typically applies to the behavior you are taking to lessen your impact on the planet. We may only be a small business but every change towards helping the enviroment and loving our planet makes a difference. A difference for the future, our children's future, their children's future and so on. There are so many ways we can all help make changes, we have to start somewhere.

  • According to UNESCO, ingesting ocean plastic kills over 100,000 marine mammals and more than a million seabirds every year.

  • This is clearly bad news for marine preservation. And by extension, the regeneration of our planet.

  • Ocean plastics harm marine life and ecosystems. Yet, every day plastic enters our oceans in large amounts. Studies suggest that there are between15–51 trillion pieces of plastic in the world’s oceans.

  • As part of the process to try and be a greener business we have been assessing the products we use and thinking about how we can provide more greener, enviromentally friendly, biodegradable products.

  • We have been thinking about how we can improve our carbon footprint as a small business to help ensure cleaner air, water and food for generations to come.

  • We know we cant fix any issues over night but we want to commit long term and reach the goals we have set us in the right direction.